Starting a recruitment agency could land you your dream job

Headline after headline over the last few years has told of massive job cuts and worldwide economic recession. You might have been on the firing line during that time yourself and experienced firsthand how tough it can be trying to find work.
Quality candidates will always be in high demand as one of the key commodities for any business, but when the number of candidates applying for each role is so high it can be difficult even for the best to make themselves stand out.
More jobs to come
But, things are starting to look up. According to the REC 66% of bosses are intending to increase their permanent headcount in the next quarter. One of the concerns of employers is always how to attract the right person for their job, and if you have ever been placed in a position by a recruitment agency, you will know exactly what a skilled job they have.
Yes, a lot of people looking for work these days will search online. Some will read the local paper or industry press, but the right person for the job might not be looking for work. They might already be happily employed somewhere else. A good recruitment agency will get to know their clients (the culture, the people, the business etc) but they will also understand their candidates. Recruitment is often about building relationships.
If relationships where you work currently, or worked recently, are breaking down and you have had enough of being taken for granted, leave your boss and become one yourself. Why not use your expertise in your field and start your own business? Recruiting in an industry you already have knowledge and contacts in can be a great selling point for both potential client and candidates.
Benefits of using an agency
Click here to find out more about how to set up a recruitment agency and get the wheels in motion. Setting up on your own will always be daunting, but it can also be the most exhilarating ride of your life.
Now is a good time to be starting. Employers are starting to recruit more again and there are still a lot of people hungry for work. By offering a service that takes away the pain of sifting through numerous CVs and sitting through several first round interviews, a good, reliable recruitment agency can be an invaluable to HR departments. Once you have proven yourself you’re in a better place for getting preferred status, too.
Industry knowledge is the other huge benefit to employers. They will expect you to know your stuff as a recruitment agency, not only of the industry, but also the recruitment law side. That is the unseen element that earns the fees. The best recruiters are real experts.
It is a competitive industry, no doubt about it, so consider your unique selling point. What will make your agency different? Is it your particular skill set? Perhaps your contacts? Customer service? Think about your niche and then start making space for your business. There is always room if you are good at what you do.